What are schemes, advantages & features of Startup Registration in India?

Since the Department of the Promotion of Industry as well as the internal trade, DPIIT came into existence, there has been the launch of the startup India scheme, owing to the reason that the company has already become the hub of the startups. Well over the past many years, there have been many startups that are thriving in several of the fields along with bringing upon support from the Governmental authorities. So, when you are having a new business then you should look for startup India registration.

So, in this blog, let’s try to understand exactly what a startup is as well as the detailed steps of the startup registration procedure.

What Startup term entails to?

The startups serve as the scalable of the business models that are in their nascent stage of operations. And now the general public is more aware of what exactly the startup means. But the newly formed businesses will be seeking the advantages of setting up the startup. There is a systematic process for startup registration in India, which has been introduced by the DPIIT scheme. So, all the companies that will be working with respect to innovation and have also taken the DPIIT registration will be coming under the category of valid start-ups. As of now registration is compulsory for setting up your startup and thus one needs to seek the benefits. So, let’s understand the whole of procedure of Startup India registration in thorough detail:

Startup India Registration Procedure

Here is a brief overview of how to Register a startup in India:

Step 1

Incorporation of business entity

The initial step as per the DPIIT registration procedure will involve the incorporation of the business as a legal entity. So, only the registered of the partnership form, which LLC/ PLC will be capable of applying for DPIIT recognition. Also, there are several needs and protocols to be followed as per the needs for startup registration in India and also you need to check for eligibility to find if you can register a startup or not.

Step 2

Login account for startup India portal

After the accomplishment of the business, you will be able to create a username as well as the password for setting up your startup India login. Also, this is the first as well as the foremost step in acquiring the startup India certification. Also, the businesses are required to visit the startup portal as well as carry out their registration there. So, after that, you will be capable of applying for the DPIIT recognition.

Step 3

Form filling

Once you are capable of login into the portal, then you will be able to apply the startup recognition portal.

Step 4

When you apply for the startup registration India, then you will be required to self-certify under the circumstances listed below

  • The business is not as the consequence of any split/ reconstruction of the existing business entity
  • Whether the business is bootstrapped/ funded or not
  • Most of the shareholding will be held by Indian promoters
  • The entity is not serving as a joint venture
  • The entity is original
  • Apart from self-licensing, the procedure for Startup India registration will include the submission of specific of documentation to support the application

    Step 5

    Uploading documentation

    Once the form filing is done, you are required to submit the specific of mandatory documentation.

    Step 6

    Obtaining Startup India certification

    Once you submit the form along with all the requisite of paperwork, there will be the completion of the registration process. However, DPIIT will be undergoing thorough form as well as scrutinizing applications. Upon finding any sort of discrepancies, there will be an issuance of objection being raised for the startup certification. The applicant can take the assistance of the Startup India registration team to undertake the requisite activities without any sort of hassle. The professionals are here to understand all the complexities, streamline the process along with extending full support with utmost care as well as full responsibility.


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