Here Are Things To Know Before You Plan To Register Startup In India

There are many people who intent to start their business or want to convert their unique idea into the lucrative business venture. However, many of them don’t have the idea about the ways to register startup in India.Moreover, some people do not even know if their company falls into the category of a startup or not. Considering all the things, this blog addresses all the concerns of the individuals who intent to initiate startup. The blog will also be covering the eligibility criteria for startup and step by step for registering the same.

Moreover, there are certain of the individuals who are not even knowing in their company will be falling into the categorization of the startups or not. So, keeping all such things simpler and in consideration, this blog post has been written for assisting you in this regard explaining the eligibility criteria of what its known to be new business and how to register startup in India. So, lets have a fair understanding about the startup firm and how can one establish the same.

Read also this -: How To Register Business Under Startup Registration India Scheme

What is Startup India Program?

The startup India is the initiative adopted by the Governmental authorities and this is meant for the promotion of the growth of the new businesses within the country. This scheme was put forward for the promotion of the growth of the startups in the country. So, there has been the announcement of the initiative in 2016. Now, lets have a look what is startup and what all makes companies to qualify as the startup.

What is eligibility criteria for Startup India registration?

Here are the things that make any new business eligible for startup India registration:

  • The company is required to be the PLC( private limited company) or LLP( Limited Liability Partnership)
  • The organization will be remaining as the startup for the first of the te years, after date of registering. The Government of India has already transformed the tenure from 7 to 10 years for rendering opportunities as well as taxation exemptions for the businesses during longer run.
  • The business will be remaining as the startup when the turn over every year will not be crossing IN 100 crore mark in 10 years of tenure. When the company will be crossing he mark, then it will no longer be remaining eligible for the startup.
  • The firm should also be having the approval from DIPP( Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion).
  • The firm funding needs to be done through incubation funding/ Angel funding or Private equity Funding
  • A patron guaranteeing from Indian patent along with trade mark office is crucial
  • A receipt of recommendation letter from incubation
  • The firm will be coming up with most innovative of the ideas as well as the schemes
  • The entire of the detailing with regard to funding needs to be registered with SEBI
  • Read also this -: What are schemes, advantages & features of Startup Registration in India

    Make Startup India Registration Process Easy & Simplified With Experts

    Looking at the benefits to register startup in India? If yes, you can now recognize your new business with the help of the experts. Does the task of registering startup seem to be daunting? Well, if yes, then startup registration in India expert is here to streamline the procedure. This enable you to focus on core competencies along will not be weighed as per the regulatory burden.


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